Export annotations

Text Classification - Single Choice

  • IdTask: unique identifier (GUID format) of the task.
  • Task: array including in its forst position the text of the task that has been classified.
  • UniqueId (optional): unique id added when importing the dataset.
  • Annotators: list of annotators inlcuding their annotations.
    • Id: unique identifier (GUID format) of the annotator.
    • Name: name of the annotator
    • NUpdates: times has save the task.
    • LastUpdate date time of the last update (UTC)
    • Annotations: list of all annotations of the task (in this case a list containing a single annotation)
      • CreatedAt: date time of the annotation (UTC)
      • IdTag: unique identifier (GUID format) of the tag.
      • Tag: text of the tag